I woke up for a week with this going through my head: Those who walk with fear due to the election, I'm here for you. My platform welcomes you with open arms. My space on this slice of life is a judgement free zone. I want everyone to know that I'm inclusive, and will never exclude or use fear tactics as a way to push through to the light in this life. I will never stop being genuine, and true to all of you. Please know this and keep up the fight even if the fight feels fizzled out, rigged, or cheated. If you ever need an ear, please, by all means, reach out to me, I am available, and as long as breath surges in my lungs, will always be!
As to today's entry I was asked, "Being a writer, how do you know what to write about?" while I perused antiques at a local market.
This blog has been a written database and is mostly, but not limited to:
...and what moves me to be who I am today.
Balancing my blog while trying to write fiction, and around current events, is often cumbersome because I have to come up with ideas and set personal opinions and irrelevancy aside to keep a clear head.
My brain is often churning about dark things, mostly, but I also get caught up in nostalgia. Both, dark things and nostalgia, create a spark to my imagination, and I apply it to a scenario, and that usually leads to an idea. Voila, I know what I'm writing about.
I wrote a novella titled Krae, a few years ago. It was mostly well received in the horror community, and was an idea that I got from my youth. For starters, Krae is a gift to fiction, as hyperosmia (a heightened sense of smell) is a curse to her, and the topic, has rarely, if at all, been written about in literature that I've found. Krae's character was born with a condition most couldn't live with. Her sense of smell is related to that of a dog with an olfactory (the organ in our nose that helps smell) forty times the size of a humans, allowing them to smell one thousand to ten thousand times more than we can. In essence Krae's nose always knows. She can sniff out emotion, blood, murder, and her schnoz, stumbles on one of Stevats' mysteries. Krae is an intelligent being who finds herself in a harrowing tale. What started out as my nose smelling things oddly after a cold, turned into the story of Krae and her hyper ability. Now Krae is spilled out on paper in a short novella. Intense, dark, humorous, and a one of a kind story for all tastes in fiction.
A small event in my life often turns the key of my imagination, opens the doorway to the written word, gives me something to write, and that my friend is how I continue to be a writer.
I breathe, I pick myself up, even after feeling like a failure in this industry most times, and give words to events around me, no matter how violent, enraged, or horrific. What I write is spillage, this is me healing and being well. I'm going to come around full circle and encourage each of you who fear after the results of our election, and encourage you all to put your words on paper, put your ideas and energy to good use, and continue to be YOU, always, never giving up. Krae was used in this blog because no matter how nightmarish her small town life seemed, (spoiler alert) she prevails. I send love to all and have love for all. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for not giving up the good fight, YOU WILL PREVAIL!
As always, thanks for reading!
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site timeaglefiction.comÂ
