No, this blog wasn't about the video streaming services from the subject, and I apologize for that, haha!
Most know that I I've been writing for a very long time, but decided to throw down a collection of unknown tales called Blood, Dreams & Tears back in 2016. Since then I took a break from this whole "social media" frenzy in that I didn't post every day, I didn't look at it often, and I didn't plug my own writing as much as I should have, trust me, I feel the financial squeeze due to that fatal mistake.
I try, with little, to no, success, not to complain about "social media", because I do gain some of the greatest organic readers, reviewers and connections with indie authors here and abound. I had an epiphany, rather than ignore these services and said platforms I'm going to embrace them. I'm going to tell a story with posts, pictures, selfies and videos. I will not go down, like so many others, and will not be forgotten. I will follow, but will not drink Kool-Aid, eat applesauce with phenobarbital adorning a track suit and a pair of Nikes, I will post.
Can you join me?
Will you?
Help me exist by purchasing my books. I write speculative fiction, some horror, some sentimental, but no matter what I write, YOU can buy my books, read them if you want, leave a review afterward and join me in this journey. Christmas is coming, and if you can't squeeze out a buck, or two, or a few dollars for a paperback, I forgive you. I want to thank you in advance for YOUR buying support. This is my job, this is how I make a living, without you, reader, I would not survive in this creative world. Thanks in advance for the support! Here are a couple links where you can purchase my books: (print books)