I have a new rule, more a resolution, but I hate resolutions so I decided to give this particular "resolution" a title, Rule of '22, catchy, right? I set out into this year, now thirteen days in, and for each of the negative thoughts, rants, and issues I've had in 2021, I've decided to make at least 22 new positive endeavors. Now these can range from making a new connection, reading an indie author's work and giving a review, trying something new (which isn't a hard one for me), or just pausing and reflecting on the negative thought that wants to come out of my mouth and stop it from happening. Whatever the case may be I need to make it to at least 22, and that's my new "Rule of '22". I'm not saying that I'll have major success, but I'm off to a great start.
I'm working a job I've never done before. I'm setting plans for future travels and working out the bugs on the Mothership. I've neglected my social media feed for at least five days, which has been easy due to the first sentence in this paragraph (made you look, haha!). So 2022 is looking up, way up, into that vast blue sky of opportunity, and I am excited to see what it holds.
Sometimes in this life, rules are supposed to be violated, but when we set on a path to create our own blazing trail, we try harder. It's human nature, and I'm thankful for all the talent, skills, drive and the character inside that helps me endure the struggles that may try to make me break the Rule of '22. Chaos and balance. Life and death. Character and the lack-thereof. Like this blog, I'm both positive and negative, rampant and calm, and today for this post, I'm giving you a peek into the world of the Rule of '22. Maybe you can try it, maybe you'll just roll your eyes and say this guy is full of shit, either way, you've read to the end, and you're thinking, deeply about what I just wrote.
Thanks for reading! Please purchase a $2 bookmark and add to my Black Fiction Kettle, it'll help put gas in the Mothership, and you'll get a great bookmark shipped for free! I appreciate the monetary support too!
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author who lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction, insanity, and nepotism of rural America. His most current novella, Krae and The Vasectomus Trilogy are both available in e-Book and print. Find Tim Eagle at timeaglefiction.com or here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tim-Eagle/e/B004JOB5OS and on godless: https://godless.com/collections/vendors?q=Tim%20Eagle If you liked reading this, sign up on timeaglefiction.com and get alerted whenever something new is posted!
