I've read, researched, and delved into the mind and actions of a serial killer. Other than the pissed in gene pool, there is often an underlying dysfunction. It's an obscured, dark cloud, that blackens the impressionable years where the abusiveness get under the skin, into the psyche, and tarnishes the soul to the point of no return.
Everyone loves reading the news article about the newest crime, thriller or serial killer. We've fallen in love with Hannibal Lector's witty, intellectual likeability. We've attached ourselves to Dexter Morgan's life in the fictitious world of the series. Now it's time for Benson Rhoades in my newest novella, Stolen Seed.
I've hesitated to release this novella.
I hesitated because of the nature and content in the novella. Ben has experienced severe abuse in his childhood, and the consequences for his own, "escaped" life was survival and becoming who he is. You will hate him and then, hopefully you will relate to him, but most of all the conundrum you feel at the end will keep you wanting more.
There is always consequences from abuse, whether its the tormented adult soul's outlook on society and people, or the breeders responsible for the abuse. Rest assured the consequences sometimes come from a source least expected.
Here's the blurb of Stolen Seed which will be available in February or March of 2022...
Urban rot and small towns of shattered dreams are cornerstones in the world of this novella. Benson Rhoades, an aging serial killer, has tried to kill the rot, but needs to shake the anonymity of city life and find new challenges. After a kill, Ben stumbles on a faded business card, inspiring him to export his talent to a small town north of the City.
Despite the fertile grounds of the bucolic, tree-lined streets of Stevats, his primal killing instinct disappears mysteriously upon arrival. Driven to regain his talent and ambitions, Ben stumbles into a society of academia with deep, cultish undercurrents. He faces a choice: perform a task, or continue a life without his kill switch engaged.
Stolen Seed is a journey down the dysfunctional roads and trailer parks of Stevats, a place where just maybe the seeds of this serial killer are yet to sprout.
Thanks for reading.
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author who lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction, insanity, and nepotism of rural America. His most current novella, Krae and The Vasectomus Trilogy are both available in e-Book and print. Find Tim Eagle at timeaglefiction.com or here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tim-Eagle/e/B004JOB5OS and on godless: https://godless.com/collections/vendors?q=Tim%20Eagle If you liked reading this, sign up on timeaglefiction.com and get alerted whenever something new is posted!
