Some of you who visit this blog and have read these entries: Working on the Pharm and Pull your Mask and COUGH, may think that I only write to disturb. I don’t, which some of you might have noticed in my blog entry: I met a millionaire in the park today.
I write a little bit of everything, so today I wanted to let you in on a little secret: I have a book, you may have seen it over on Amazon, it’s a novella that I’m going to re-introduce, as more proof I write different genres for everyone. I’m Tim Eagle, not a hack, not a made-up name, persona, or fake account, I am who I am, I write what I write, and what you read is exactly what you get. I have nothing to hide from any of you, and I hope you come to realize this when you read my fiction.
My story Life Ship was written as part of a personal challenge back in 2018. I was posting a chapter a week on a blog I ran and the story gained momentum. When that momentum stopped, I decided to put it together in a book, had my good friend and author of Short Fuse, Brent D. Seth, help with the edits, and voila, it was available to purchase in both formats, paperback and e-Book.
Now you’re wondering, how much is this book?
Don’t get ahead of yourself, don’t you want to know what it’s about?
It’s about a young college student, Jimmy, who gets the dreaded call that his travelling parents have died and have left specific instructions for him, after they’ve been cremated. He, of course, lives in the small town of Stevats, and has to travel across the States to pick them up. It’s a scenic tour through a young, confused man’s mind, who has just started living and figuring out his own life. He mourns, he ponders, talks to his siblings and tumultuously gets thrown down a rabbit hole of emotions, life changing ideals, and memories. When he arrives to his parents he is given a list of instructions of what to do.
Life Ship is an emotional roller coaster with a twist, and I don’t want to spoil it, but has an Airstream featured in it. Our little silver Twinkie, the Mothership III (a 1964 Globetrotter) was featured in this story, and, no, what happens to it in the novella never happened in real life. Thanks so much for heading over to Amazon and purchasing this coming of age, real life story filled with emotion, life and the impact a parent’s death has on adults of all ages. The book is only $4.58 for those on a tight budget, and that’s for the paperback. Tell me what you think in a review after you’ve read it, please.
I appreciate you all, Happy New Year!
Buy Life Ship here:
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author who lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction, insanity, and nepotism of rural America. His most current novella, Krae and The Vasectomus Trilogy are both available in e-Book and print. Find Tim Eagle at or here on Amazon: and on godless: If you liked reading this, sign up on and get alerted whenever something new is posted!
