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Some people have no clue...

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

…who I am, and who am I???

While inventing my fiction and the Tim Eagle "brand", I have been putting pen to paper with my content, ideas, and my writer's frenzied mind only gets a little crazy.

Coming next Wednesday, I'm going to share some of my early years, marriage and other events in life. I'm going to give a semi-uncensored peek into a life that led Maria and me to the full time RV world. I'm going to be candid about where I am, and who I've become because of this sometimes crazy life. I need to tell my story, give you, some of what makes me, who I am today. The only way I can do it is with my words (okay, maybe they're will be bonus video links or photos on posts).

Please come along with me on this journey, sign up for my newsletter, here: Tim Eagle Newsletter Sign-Up . If you don't want emails or another newsletter, just visit this blog weekly on Wednesday. As always, I'm so grateful to all of you! I look forward to sharing ME with YOU and if anyone would like to email me, or reach out to talk, my email (since 2004) is and you can always reach me on the social platforms, links listed under "Let's Connect" on this website.

Thanks so much...

Tim Eagle

Find out where RV travel, exploring, DIY and writing is prevalent on video at the Dark Nest Travels YouTube channel here: Dark Nest Travels.

Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed and Krae, among other books. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction, insanity, and nepotism of rural America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for reading, tune in next week for the next chapter...

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